Golfing a Pain in the Neck in Your Life?

We continue in our golf injuries series here at St. Johns Chiropractic & Performance, where we educate you on why different golf injuries occur and how you can get them properly evaluated and treated to return to the golf course as quickly and safely as possible. Our two most recent blogs talked about low back […]

Simple Solutions For Golfers With Elbow & Forearm Pain

Our last blog discussed how, golf is a sport that provides great chances to get exercise, be outdoors, hangout with loved ones, and be competitive. Saint Johns Florida provides the perfect weather for golfing the majority of the year and have a lot of people that golf year-round. The northeast Florida area is home to […]

Low Back Pain is a Thief to Many Great Golf Rounds!

Golf is a fantastic sport that allows you to get some exercise, be outdoors, socialize with friends and family, satisfy your competitive itch, and it’s relatively easy on your joints – most of the time. Here in Northeast Florida, we have the perfect golfing weather the majority of the year and have a lot of […]

Want To Recover Faster From Sports Injuries?

Participation in youth sports has been on the rise in the United States. Through this, there’s been a large increase in practices and games and we can tournaments. Unfortunately one of the consequences of this is sport related injuries. As we have discussed some of our recent blogs, 1/3 of all youth athletes will have […]

This St. Johns Golfer Could Not Swing Without Pain

Bryson is one of our awesome patients here at the clinic and he is a local golfer (and quite good at it too)! When he first came to see us he was having low back pain and neck muscle spasms during his golf swing. After taking Bryson through a detailed assessment, (some of which was […]

Highest Injury Rates For These Popular Youth Sports

As we have discussed in our two most recent blog posts, youth & adolescent sports injuries are quite common. It is likely that if your child plays a competitive sport for a few years that he or she will have a significant injury as it is estimated that 1/3 of all youth athletes will have […]