Man Sitting At A Desk With a Laptop and Coffee Mug Grabbing His Neck and Shoulder in Discomfort | How Do I Know If My Should Pain Is Serious? | Serious Shoulder Pain | St. Johns Chiropractic & Performance

How Do I Know If My Shoulder Pain Is Serious?

Is Your Shoulder Pain Serious?

Shoulder pain can stem from arthritis, bursitis, shoulder dislocation or separation, tendon injuries, and more. People experience serious shoulder pain from medical conditions, straining their muscles too much, an injury at work, or playing sports. In some extreme instances, certain shoulder pain can suggest a serious issue, like a heart attack, if it suddenly occurs on the left side and with dizziness, breathing difficulties, and other symptoms.

St. Johns Chiropractic & Performance offers solutions for Florida residents dealing with shoulder pain. Learn about how to tell if your pain is serious and potential treatment options.

Understanding Shoulder Pain

The rotator cuff (four tendons and muscles) holds the shoulder, an upper-arm joint, in place and lets you move your arm. Typical shoulder pain symptoms include tenderness, discomfort, and pain when moving your arm, but it often goes away over time. However, serious shoulder pain occurs when you experience extreme weakness, limited range of motion, or dislocation.

If you regularly participate in sports, lift heavy objects, perform repetitive movements, or strain your shoulders often, you’re more likely to experience serious shoulder pain. You could also have a disease that affects the shoulder areas, requiring immediate treatment or surgical intervention.

Chiropractic Practices for Shoulder Pain

A shoulder pain chiropractor can help you manage and treat pain concentrated in the shoulder area. At St. Johns Chiropractic & Performance, we work personally with our clients to develop a treatment plan to address shoulder pain, providing holistic and non-surgical options. The steps to alleviate your shoulder pain depends on your condition. 

Chiropractic care can target sore muscles, address strains, and move dislocations back into place. A chiropractor may also suggest massages, acupuncture, or injury rehabilitation, to relieve pain, and more. Our team uses years of learning, training, and observations of the body to provide the best care.

Self-Care Remedies and Prevention Measures for Shoulder Pain

While medical attention is vital to address serious shoulder pain, you can take some steps at home to minimize pain levels. Applying some ice or heat to the affected area to relieve soreness is a great first step. You should rest and avoid straining the shoulder even more, so don’t play sports or do strenuous activities until the doctor says it’s okay. 

You can protect your shoulder’s health by stretching, participating in physical therapy, and getting vital medical care from your local chiropractor. Our St. Johns Chiropractic & Performance team will recommend ways you can decrease shoulder pain at home.

Diagnosing Serious Shoulder Pain

A chiropractor for shoulder pain will assess your range of motion and the severity of your pain and look at your shoulder. Some ways to achieve a diagnosis include running an MRI, taking X-rays, or checking the nerves with electromyography. Another option is arthroscopy, where a small camera takes high-definition photos of your shoulder to provide better insight into your condition. 

A diagnosis helps medical professionals offer the best care for a specific shoulder issue. Rotator cuff tears, bone spurs, and more serious concerns might only improve with surgical procedures, while injury rehabilitation, chiropractic care, and ice can help in other cases.

Treatment Options for Serious Shoulder Pain

If you’re experiencing serious shoulder pain, seeking medical attention as soon as possible is the best step to take. From there, your provider will recommend the next course of action after assessing your condition in greater detail. Some nonsurgical treatments are the administration of chiropractic care, massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, or exercises.

They may turn to surgery if all other treatment options are ineffective or unable to assist with your shoulder pain but should be a last option if possible. Our chiropractic professionals at St. Johns Chiropractic & Performance personalize a recovery plan based on your specific condition and shoulder pain levels.

A diagnosis helps medical professionals offer the best care for a specific shoulder issue. Rotator cuff tears, bone spurs, and more serious concerns might only improve with surgical procedures, while injury rehabilitation, chiropractic care, and ice can help in other cases.

When to Contact a Medical Professional

It’s a good idea to contact a medical professional in your area if you can’t move your shoulder, are in excruciating pain, or believe you have a dislocation, fracture, or break. Heart attack symptoms, including left shoulder pain and dizziness, always warrant the need to call for help. Since serious shoulder pain could indicate various concerning issues, it’s essential to quickly get assistance from your local medical professional.

At St. Johns Chiropractic & Performance, we can help alleviate your shoulder pain and recommend an effective treatment plan for a healthier, pain free life. Contact us at (904) 217-7078 today!



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